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Heal with Present Choice Center

Explore The Possibilities with Christian Life Coaching

Welcome to Present Choice Center. I am a Certified Christian Life Coach serving the North Carolina area. My services are here to help you find the wholeness of self, your marriage, and its full potential. If you’re feeling stagnant or discouraged in your personal life or marriage union, Present Choice is here to help you and couples navigate to a healing space. 

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About Present Choice Center 

Present Choice Center provides life coaching services to individuals, to those who are engaged to be married, and to those currently married. Using the Present Choice Coaching Plan (PCCP), this tool will help identify the issues and concerns that may be presenting stumbling areas for individuals or married clients. I offer several packages for a fee that will be tailored to fit the need discovered and introduce the best results. Please follow the links below to schedule your coaching needs today.

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Allow me to Introduce myself... Your HIScoach, Sonia

Why Christian Coaching and What is a HIScoach?

I’ve been working as a mentor to individuals, families, and couples throughout my life. As I increased in my Godly calling, I found the use of biblical and practical tools very effective. These tools as well as my testimony has allowed me to show people different perspectives to navigate their lives and to help unlock their potential to operate healthy in it. The roadblocks that I experienced in my own life, unfortunately led me to find healing on my own. I remember wanting the opportunity to talk with people who I could trust and feel vulnerable with as well as them being cost-efficient. But also having sound and Godly counsel during those tough times was even more important to me. This is why Present Choice was birthed and the role of HIScoach was designed. I received my credentials and certifications from the HIScoach Academy in North Carolina. Attending HIScoach Academy has motivated me to turn my newfound passion into a full-time career. In 2020, Present Choice was established and started to assist clients on their individual and/or marriage journey. The ability to use Biblical, Practical and Sound coaching is the foundation that helps me to develop with my clients in finding healing and balance solutions. Being a Spirit-Led HIScoach, gives my clients insight on why these  roadblocks exist. Each coaching session allows my clients to experience a tailored encounter to help aid their minds, their hearts, and their souls to a healing place. If you would like to schedule a session, get in touch today.

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Motivational Speaker

Client Testimonials

A quick word from my sponsors.

As a Spirit-Led Christian HIScoach, I’m passionate about helping others and guiding them into a new phase of their lives. I work hard on developing a personal, open and transparent relationship with my clients, and what they say about my services is incredibly important to me. Read the testimonials to get an idea of the experiences that past and current clients have had with my services, and get in touch with me today.

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If it was not for Sonia and her obedience to God my marriage wouldn’t have made it through some hard times. She is so humble, anointed, and gifted and she used her gift to please God and not man. Rather you need personal or relationship counseling I highly request and recommend her because you will not leave the same. The Bible says “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. Get healed, delivered, and set free, and allow God to use her to help you, you won’t regret it 🙏🏾❤️ June 2020N.M


Prophet....unselfish....a shepherd for the people who are hurt and broken!!! You are the mouthpiece of God. A true marriage and Life counselor!!!!! You have helped me and my wife and many more!!!! Because of your obedience, and willingness.....God was able to get the glory through everything you do!!! The best Godly marriage and life counselor ever....some isn’t the healing ground....Jesus healed and delivered and performed miracles, signs, and wonders out of the temples....and he provides a ram in the bush always!!! You just have to be obedient!!!#presentchoicecenter#ALLGOD#ALLPROPHETIC#THEBROKEN#THEHURT#GETHEALED#GETRESTORED#GETREADYFORPURPOSE


"Wow you are truly a blessing as a life coach appreciate your service"...


"I'm here to tell you this woman is a blessing sent by the creator himself. I say that to say, she is a trusted guardian of the hearts of those on their healing and growth journey(s). The balance of reality and love that comes with her approach and delivery is passionate and calm and all of this was mentioned above. "I say this with love" IS a person and it's wholeheartedly Sonia. With her own understanding she guides you to your own because a lot of times we have no idea what's going on with us. But as I said, she's trusted to help folks along their way 💜🫶🏾"... C.M

If you would like to hear about more experiences or write your own testimonial, please get in touch.


What Services do you offer again?

Present Choice Center is unlike any other coaching program out there. I understand that each individual that connects with my services has unique circumstances and needs, both in terms of coaching and finances. That's why I make my Coaching packages as flexible as possible. Give me a call and let’s tailor a plan that fits.

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Individual Coaching

Guidance & Inspiration

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you using the Biblical and Practical principles designed for you. 

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Engaged or Already Married

Embrace Life’s Challenges

This service is a must among many of my clients. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and hopeful marital union. After several sessions, you and your spouse will become the definition of what God says about marriage. Call now to schedule a session.

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Holding Hands

The Quick 30!

You need 30-minutes... I have 30-minutes for you!

Do you ever feel like you need a quick session but calling your regular therapy session of choice schedules you for later in the week? Well, recently I had a client who needed just that, 30 minutes. So, now I am offering you the same. For $50.00, we can unpack an issue or concern, and then you can return to your day feeling encouraged. My quick 30 may be what you need to just get through the day! Get in touch with me today to book your 30-minute refresher. Within 30 minutes, you will receive feedback, insight, and a plan of action. Schedule and try today! Your time and my time are valued.


Whatever you’re struggling with, I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to find out more.

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Let's go on this Healing Journey 

Want to hear more about how I can transform your life? Contact me today to schedule a consultation to review services.


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